How to get to Stara Lesna (Tatranska Lomnica)?

Contact to Hotel Academia

Ahoj, Lucka

Congress center ACADEMIA 
Stara Lesna
059 60 Tatranska Lomnica

tel.: 00421 / 52 / 4467 464-6 
fax: 00421 / 52 / 4467 275 

Dusan Guller's phone number: 0902/83 61 10


By air:

The nearest airports are in Vienna, Bratislava, and Kosice.

Flights to Bratislava: from

Berlin, D (Sky Europe)
Birmingham, GB (Air Slovakia)
Brussels, B (Slovak Airlines)
Delhi, IND (Air Slovakia)
Kuwait, KWT (Air Slovakia)
London, GB (Sky Europe)
Milan, I (Sky Europe)
Moscow, RUS (Slovak Airlines)
Paris, F (Sky Europe)
Prague, CZ (Czech Airlines)
Stuttgart, D (Sky Europe)
Tel Aviv, IL (Air Slovakia)
Venice, I (Sky Europe)
Warsaw, PL (LOT)
Zurich, CH (Sky Europe)

Flights to Kosice: from
Prague, CZ (Czech Airlines, Sky Europe)
Tel Aviv, IL (Air Slovakia)
Vienna, A (Austrian Airlines)

The recommended way is to fly to Vienna and then take an ER (IC) train from Wien (Vienna) Südbahnhof to Poprad-Tatry, or take a regular bus to Bratislava (possible connections are available on the web site Eurolines) and then a train to Poprad-Tatry.

By bus:

Stara Lesna is accessible by regular bus connections from Tatranska Lomnica:

Connections from Tatranska Lomnica to Stara Lesna by bus going to Kezmarok:

Take a bus going  from Tatranska Lomnica to Kezmarok and get off at the bus stop Stara Lesna, rekr. stred. VSE (2nd stop).

Time      Destination     Arrival at Stara Lesna, rekr. stred. VSE
  6:30     Kezmarok        6:35   (saturday, sunday)
  9:35     Kezmarok        9:40   (daily)
14:25     Kezmarok      14:30   (saturday, sunday)
15:32     Kezmarok      15:37   (sunday)
18:40     Kezmarok      18:44   (daily)
20:40     Kezmarok      20:45   (daily)

Prices of tickets:

Train, Bratislava - Poprad:                  IC: 530 Sk   R: 420 Sk
Train, Kosice - Poprad:                        IC: 238 Sk   R: 154 Sk
Train, Poprad - Tatranska Lomnica:   Os: 30 or 24 Sk
Train, Poprad - Stara Lesna:               Os: 30 Sk
Bus,    Wien - Bratislava: Eurolines:    10 EUR

Exchange rate: 1EURO = 41Sk app.


Alfataxi:  Poprad -  railway station
                 from Poprad to the Academia, it costs about 400 Sk
                tel. 052/7723623, 0903723623

Taxi Vysoke Tatry: Stary Smokovec - bus stop
                                from Stary Smokovec
to the Academia, it costs about 200 Sk
Tatranska Lomnica - railway station
                                from Tatranska Lomnica to the Academia, it costs about 200 Sk
                               tel. 052/4422525, 0903855000

Exchange rate: 1EURO = 41Sk app.

The best way to the Hotel Academia

The best way how to reach the Hotel Academia in Stara Lesna is to take the train to Tatranska Lomnica and from there take a taxi or a bus (info on the school web page).
The train station Stara Lesna is in a middle of nowhere and it is necessary to walk abot 1 km south on a road through the woods and then some 300 m east. The bus from Tatranska Lomnica goes down that road and has
                                           - the first stop
near the railway station Stara Lesna - do not get off,
                                           - the second stop near the hotel complex, just 300m from the Academia -  pls. get off.
The distance from Tatranska Lomnica
to the hotel is about 3 to 4 km. From Poprad it may be 10-15 km.

By train:

Stara Lesna is accessible by regular train connections through Bratislava or Zilina or Kosice and Poprad and Tatranska Lomnica or Stary Smokovec from different European cities (e.g. Vienna). Details are available on the web site Railways of the Slovak Republik or DB.

Recommended connections:

Departures from Wien Südbahnhof [AU] to Poprad [SK]
Time   Train                   End station           Arrival
22:16  ER RR (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                04:31
06:00  ER RR (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                12:31
08:16     IC (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                13:28
10:16  ER RR (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                16:31
12:16  ER RR (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                18:31
14:16  ER RR (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                20:31
16:16     IC (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                21:28
21:16     IC (Bstg. 01-09)     Poprad                03:41

Departures from Bratislava [SK] to Poprad [SK]

Time   Train                   End station           Arrival

 7:50  F 603 CINGOV            Kosice                12:31
 9:45  IC 405 TATRAN           Kosice                13:28
11:50  F 607 LIPTOV            Kosice                16:31
13:45  Ex 511 VAH              Kosice                17:30
15:50  F 611 POVAZAN           Kosice                20:31
17:45  IC 403 GERLACH          Kosice                21:28

Departures from Praha hl.n. [CZ] to Poprad [SK]

Time   Train                   End station           Arrival

 7:05  IC 121 KOSICAN          Kosice                15:29
       (direct train)
 9:05  Ex 141 DETVAN           Zvolen       17:30
       (with change at Zilina, arr 15:28, dep 15:52 to Ex 511 VAH (Kosice))
12:03  F 441 VSACAN            Zilina                20:31
       (with change at Zilina, arr 18:29, dep 18:40 to F 611 POVAZAN (Kosice))
13:05  Ex 143 ODRA             Zilina                21:28
       (with change at Zilina, arr 19:33, dep 19:50 to IC 403 GERLACH (Kosice))

Departures from Kosice to Poprad-Tatry

Time   Train                   End station           Arrival

10:20  F 606 LIPTOV            Bratislava     11:37
12:20  F 600 RUZIN             Bratislava     13:37
13:45  IC 404 TATRAN           Wien Sudbahnhof Bstg. 14:51
14:20  F 602 CINGOV            Bratislava     15:37
15:45  Ex 1600 CHOPOK          Bratislava     16:53
16:20  F 420 EXCELSIOR         Cheb                  17:37
17:45  Ex 500 KRIVAN           Bratislava     18:51
18:20  F 422 CASSOVIA          Praha hl.n.           19:37
20:20  F 424 LABOREC           Praha hl.n.           21:37

Connections from Poprad to Stara Lesna by Tatras Trams:

Poprad         dep. 12:36 13:19 13:58 15:05 15:48 16:52 18:07 19:07 20:01
Stary Smokovec arr. 13:02 13:44 14:25 15:30 16:16 17:16 18:31 19:31 20:25
Stary Smokovec dep. 13:07 13:50 14:38 15:39 16:27 17:19 18:40 19:35 20:29
Stara Lesna    arr. 13:18 14:01 14:49 15:50 16:38 17:30 18:51 19:46 20:40

Connections from Poprad to Stara Lesna by special BUSES for PhD School participants on 6.6.04:

Poprad, in front of the building of the railway station: dep. 17:00  22:00
Stara Lesna, hotel Academia:                             arr. 17:30  22:30

By car:

If you plan to come by a car, please look at the map on this page and a route planner (easyTOUR).


(Last modified 3.6.2004)