photo Name: Pavel Petrovič
Affiliation: Department of Applied Informatics, Comenius University
Mailing address: KAI, FMFI UK, Mlynská dolina, 842 48 Bratislava, Slovakia
Room number: I-19
Office phone: not installed
Mobile phone: +421-915772685

I am a faculty member at the Department of Applied Informatics of Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University.

I have obtained my master degree from Comenius University in 1998. My diploma thesis was on biologically-inspired artificial neural networks. The PhD studies at NTNU in Trondheim were completed in 2007, and the thesis was in the area of evolutionary robotics, I studied incremental evolutionary methods for automatic programming of robot controllers, that is I am particularly interested in how finite-state automata representations can be used as the representation for behavior-arbitration in behavior-based robots. My other interests include evolutionary design, evolutionary computation, machine learning, distributed systems, artificial intelligence, simulations, AI-robotics, robotics contests, educational robotics, informatics education, Logo and other educational environments. I like to experience foreign cultures (in addition to several years in Norway, I stayed for one semester in Pennsylvania and one semester in Denmark), meet new people, spend time in nature, and listen to music.

[List of publications] [List of theses I supervised in the past]
If you are interested in doing a bachelor or master thesis, please look into AIS, see also: [List of topics for bachelor students]

Links of interest:

[Robotika.SK] [FLL] [RoboCup Junior] [Our Robotics Lab] [RoboWiki]
Other: [NXT Logo] [I24 Library] [ISU-Norway] [BuddyBergen]


winter: [Programming 5], [Machine Learning], [Information Systems Development] [Programming Paradigms], [Applied Robotics Seminar], [BSc. Intro].